
RF Products TEM Horn Antenna THA-380M60G / THA-380M70G

EMC Testing in the 5G/IoT Era!

The TEM horn antenna is an antenna for conducting a close proximity radiation immunity evaluation test (near electromagnetic field immunity test) of electromagnetic waves radiated from various wireless transmitters such as mobile phones and Wi-Fi equipment.
In the future, the close proximity radiation immunity evaluation test using the TEM horn antenna is expected to expand to various product standards such as medical equipment (IEC 60601-1-2) and multimedia equipment (CISPR 35).
NoiseKen's TEM horn antenna has a wide band, low VSWR, and wide electric field uniformity, offering an ideal solution for an efficient close proximity radiation immunity test.
*This product is based on research results of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan and joint-research with Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd.

TEM Horn Antenna  THA-380M60G / THA-380M70G product image
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