Impulse Noise Simulator (INS Series)
A simulator to reproduce fast rise-up noises which are generated when switching ON / OFF electric current on the inductive load. It can be used for performance evaluation of electronic equipment upon reproduction of line noises which are intruded to the power supply lines or induced noises onto the telecommunication lines.

Product List
Injection probe for high frequency surge resistance test (0.01 μF, 470 pF)
Pulse Injection Cable MODEL:02-H1834
INS-S series Remote Control Software INS-S series RemoteW MODEL : 14-00069A
USB optical interface unit MODEL : 07-00023A
Line output cable MODEL:05-00161A
Line input cable MODEL:05-00160A
USB Optical Module Kit MODEL : 07-00022A
Automatic CDN for Impulse Noise Simulator IJ-AT450
Injection Unit MODEL : IJ-5100Z
Injection Unit MODEL : IJ-4050
Outlet Panel MODEL:18-00069A/71A
Outlet Panel MODEL:18-00059C/60B/84A
INS Direct Injection Capacitor MODEL : 01-00047A
Circuit Breaker Box MODEL : 18-00072A (20A) / 18-00073A (50A)
Coupling Adaptor MODEL : 15-00007A (CA-806/Magnetic field coupling)
Coupling Adaptor MODEL:15-00014A
Coupling Adaptor MODEL : CA-805B (Capacitive coupling)
Radiation Probes MODEL : 01-00006A / 7A / 8A / 9A / 10A / 31A / 50A
Noise Injection Probe MODEL : 01-00034A
EMS Probe Kit MODEL : H2-B
Insulating support MODEL : 03-00024A
Cubic Insulating Block100 MODEL : 03-00029A
Test environment MODEL : 03-00020A/39A/7A
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-6633P
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-6503P
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-2302P
Insulating Block MODEL : 03-00054A
Noise Canceller Transformers NCT series
SG Cable MODEL : 05-00103A
SG Connection Plate MODEL : 03-00112A